Monday, January 8, 2024




So. I have good news and I have bad news. The good news you can guess: I'm back. The bad news? I'm only back for 2 weeks. I just scheduled a surgery for my left hand and, as with the one performed on my right a few months ago, it will be forbidden to use that hand until I'm cleared by the physical therapist. So after next week, I'm taking another break, although this one should be much shorter than the vacation I just had. I want to keep this week light, as I don't want to bum you out or anger you, etc. Because next week is going to be the first (and probably last) 5-part GF column, and it's a doozy. The kind of thing that might get me killed if I was important enough. We'll get to that next Monday.

For now I just wanted to welcome you all back. I have a metric shit-ton of topics. I'm sure once I get back from my surgery hiatus, I'll have enough columns for months to come. During my time off I decided that any and all writing topics should be handled in my newsletter. I subscribe to a lot of newsletters, and almost all of them have very little news. Instead they are essays about life. I'm not bashing those. I love to read them. But if you want essays on life, you'll find them here in Goodnight, Fuckers. If you want writing essays, check out Good Morning, Fuckers! (Ain't I clever? Should I do something called Good Afternoon, Fuckers, or is that pushing it?) (Hey, for a while there I did an irregular column called Hey Fuckers. Maybe bring that back?) (No, maybe I should do surprise blogs and call them Good Evening, Fuckers. That sounds classy, don't it? Especially if you hear it in Alfred Hitchcock's voice, right?)

All right. Tomorrow we'll get into something a bit meatier, and I have a pretty good Abraham Lincoln idea to close out the week on Friday. Stay tuned, ye glorious fuckers, ye.

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