Monday, July 29, 2024


I spent the last half-hour or so working on this GF when I suddenly realized I was ranting like a madman. What I thought was intelligent was actually me being super angry about something kind of related to the subject. At any rate I told myself that I'm always trying to make the world a better place with these things, so fuck it. I deleted the whole thing, so now I got nothing, and it's getting late.

In my defense I'd had a lot on my mind. But it's all . . . I'll spare it time tomorrow. For now, uh, hi? How are you?

How am I? I'm not in the hospital, and I'm not puking my guts out. That has suddenly become good instead of just neutral.

Speaking of my health, I did learn about my bloody stools. They weren't bloody. Because of my blood loss I'd been taking iron supplements. I recall an ER doc asking about it and never coming back to it, but now I know that iron supplements can make your shit look black. It's technically dark green, but it looks black as fuck. Maybe that's what threw the ER doc off?

Good to know I'm not dying of cancer or slowly leaking blood in my guts somewhere. I'm putting weight back on, so maybe my blood levels are back up to where they should be. The only real question is, where did my blood go in the first place? Maybe I'll never find out.

Damn. It's been a while since I scrapped a whole GF, but I hope this will suffice because I am tired as shit. My fingers are recoiling off the keys as I try to snap them back awake, so yeah, it's that time.

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