Tuesday, February 1, 2022



So this horrible thought is inspired by Windy City Heat. If you don't know what that is, it's a practical joke on a guy who desperately wants to be an actor. So they get a whole bunch of people to pretend they're Hollywood people and want him to star in this movie.

So yeah, what I'm about to say is exceptionally cruel, and if anyone actually does this to someone, I'll . . . probably do nothing. But I'll think a lot less of you.

So imagine a writer like most of us reading this. There is some level of success, but you're still working your day job. No sportscars or high level escorts for you in your near future. Just more of the grind.

And suddenly someone approaches you claiming to be a Hollywood producer. And there are many others around him. Actors, directors, etc. And they all want to pay you a lot of money for the rights to one of your novels. AND! They want you to write the screenplay for even more money. And because there are so many of them, you believe them. There are even planted stories online and on Wikipedia, so they seem pretty legit.

Except it's a practical joke. There's no money or fame in it for you. Just a lot of people laughing at your expense.

See? It's a fucking horrible thought, isn't it? I would never do something like that, of course. But I had the thought, didn't I?

Anyway, I'm going to sleep. When I wake up tomorrow, this blizzard better have been fucking overblown and I won't have any trouble getting to work. Goodnight, fuckers.

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