Tuesday, September 17, 2024



238 years ago today our Founding Fathers signed the US Constitution, and America was truly born. Shall I give you a history lesson tonight? Or talk shit about how the tree of liberty should perhaps be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants so we can get a new Constitution?

Let's skip all that. Today was a rough day, so I'm going to keep this short. For the Constitution's birthday, we're going to take a US civics quiz! It's kind of like the US citizenship test, but when it's administered for real, there are no multiple choices. So it's the easy version of a very easy quiz. In real life you need 6 out of 10 to pass. My fellow Americans, do you have what it takes to be a US citizen?

We often hear news stories about how regular citizens routinely don't know their own country, so I was pleased to say that I got 10 out of 10, evidence below. But these are super easy. There was only one question I was doubtful about. The rest are easy for anyone who paid even half-attention in school. Let me know what you scored.

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