Wednesday, March 21, 2012


There has been a sad lack in the comics industry of Brian K. Vaughan’s work since Y THE LAST MAN and EX MACHINA came to an end. Fear not: he is back with a new series, and it promises to be epic.

This is the tale of Alana and Marko, two lovers on the opposite sides of a galactic war. Narrated in the future by their daughter Pico, who has just been born in the opening pages, it tells of how they evade the authorities who seek their blood and how the new parents do everything they can to keep their child alive. Throw in a few robots with human bodies and computer monitors for heads, winged men, alligator-faced creatures, and more, and it’s possibly Vaughan’s strangest tale yet.

Yet even though it takes place in a galaxy far, far away, it has his usual trace of humanity all over it. As Alana gives birth to their horned baby, she says that it feels like she’s shitting. She tells Marko, “Seriously, you’ll never have sex with me again if I defecate all over you. Unless you’re secretly into that. Please don’t be into that.”

For all the coarseness of the scene, when Marko finally holds Pico in his hands, tears are streaming down his cheeks, and Alana is awed by the creature who has come from her.

This book is truly a beauty to behold, and most of this is thanks to Fiona Staples, the artist. She takes completely alien and strange concepts and imbues it all with pure sublime magnificence. Best of all, she doesn’t rely on narration boxes for Pico’s words; she letters them directly onto the art, which works very well, especially when she’s pointing out the planet where the war all began.

What we have here is the beginning of a great new book. With THE BOYS and LOCKE AND KEY on their way out, there’s going to be a huge vacuum to fill, and SAGA is just the book to fill it. The comics industry is buzzing about this book for a reason. Buy issue one and find out why. Don’t be left behind, and don’t wait for the inevitable trades. You’re going to want this one month by month.

Written by Brian K. Vaughan
Illustrated by Fiona Staples
Published by Image
44 pages
$2.99 (Not bad for 44 pages, eh?)

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