Friday, June 7, 2024


 When my podiatrist started talks with me about amputating one of my toes, he said, "I'd like to cut the tip of the toe off." The tip of the toe? That doesn't sound too bad. Sure, why not cut the tip of the toe off?

When he first removed the bandage I saw that he'd cut off more than half the toe. That is *not* just the tip.

When it came time for the second amputation, he said the same thing. When he removed the bandage this time I saw he'd been more truthful this time. If you just glanced at my bare right foot, you'd be able to tell the big toe is gone, but you'd think the others are still there. The partial amputation left a considerable part of that toe behind, but if you'd seen it before the amputation you'd realize that he cut off quite a bit of it. It was my mutant toe, swollen out of proportion to the other foot. All the same, it looks like the whole toe is still present until you get in there and see, oh yeah, something's missing.

The reason I bring it up is maybe about a half a year ago I saw this weird ridge growing out of the top of the half-toe. I get a lot of dead skin around that foot, so I use a pumice stone on it often. I tried to scrape the ridge away, and I did but it was hard as fuck. And now it's growing back.

I may be crazy (possibly), but I think it's my toenail trying to grow back. It's lower than where the nail was, but still. I haven't tried clipping it yet, but I imagine it would make the exact same sound as a regular toenail being clipped.

Maybe I should let it grow. See what it turns into. It would be nice if the toe itself grew back, but if I get an odd li'l sloth claw on my foot, that might be kinda cool. Putting a sock on would be difficult, but what the hell?

Is it happening? For real? I don't know. I doubt it, but I'll ask my podiatrist the next time I see him at the end of summer. I'll let you know what he says.

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