Tuesday, March 15, 2022


 "I'm right handed in all things except for one." Roland Deschain said that in The Drawing of the Three, and I've been parroting that amazing line ever since I first read it decades ago. Because it's true for me. I'm right handed in just about everything I do except for jerking off. That's lefty's job all the way.

But having recently had a splint on my left hand I've discovered that I do a lot more with lefty than I ever thought possible. Here is a list of these things while they're fresh on my mind. (I'm not including typing on this list as that is a given.)

I aim my dick with my left hand when I piss.

I steer my car with my left hand.

I open cans with my left hand.

When I need to go up a step, I brace with my left hand. (Also, when I stand up from a chair or from bed, I brace with lefty.)

I hold my phone with my left hand (mostly).

I squeeze the toothpaste tube with my left hand.

When I don't have a letter opener, I open envelopes with my left hand.

When mopping the bathroom floor, my left hand is dominant.

When throwing devil horns to metal I use my left hand. (That looked fucking weird with the splint on my ring finger.)

I hold the panhandle with my left hand when I cook.

OK, this is getting boring. You get the idea. I've been dexterous my entire life, but it turns out I've been a lot more sinister than I thought . . .

It should be noted that I can't jerk off with my right hand. I tried when I was younger. It goes all right until the money shot. When I cum it feels too weird and weak and awkward. Kind of like the sudden need to sneeze while pissing.

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