Wednesday, July 19, 2023


 Back maybe 25 years ago I decided that I loved horror so much I would go through the horror section of every video store in town. My journey began in the days when such stores only had VHS, and it ended when they were just starting to rent out DVDs. Video Magic had sadly passed by then, so I didn't get the chance to hit that store, but I hit all the others.

Incidentally, fuck Blockbuster. Yeah, I did go to all the Blockbusters in the area, but I never did like that place. I don't get why people remember that place so fondly. They had the shittiest horror sections of any video stores. Each store might have had a couple of horror movies that I'd never seen, so they were barely worth going to. Plus they were super conservative, so they didn't want to get any horror movies outside the typical slashers and Stephen King movies. Hollywood was so much better because when I started going to the one on Roosevelt I discovered, upon nearing the end of their decent horror section, that they had a section that no one else had: CULT CLASSICS. I figured, fuck it, let's go after those, too.

One of these cult classics was a weird cop movie that I loved, especially since some of it was shot in Monument Valley, which I hadn't seen a movie do since the old John Wayne westerns. I love Monument Valley. The one year that I was going out there to see it in person was the one year that there was something wrong. I forget what it was. Maybe some kind of sickness going around or a natural disaster? Something along those lines. No one was allowed in at the time. Maybe someday I'll get my chance.

Not too long ago I tried remembering what that cop movie was, and for the life of me I couldn't remember the title. Being the kind of guy I am, of course I kept a list of the horror movies I'd rented during those years, and I kept track of the cult classics, too. But that list is packed away right now, and I can't just dig it out to scratch my curiosity itch. All I remembered was it had Baretta in it. It also had the first Burke Devlin from Dark Shadows. It also had the hired gun from The Maltese Falcon who usually played supporting roles, usually a weaselly type character.

And then I finally found Electra Glide in Blue. That was the movie! And I found it streaming on Amazon. The only thing is, you need a subscription to ScreenPix to play it for "free." I don't know if I want to go through all of that. For all I know, the movie won't hold up, but there is an option for a free trial. Maybe over the weekend I'll indulge myself.

If I do, I'll let you all know how it went. Is there anything more satisfying than trying to remember something for months and then finally getting your answer?

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