Friday, May 24, 2024


 I got out of bed this morning at 6:15, and I've regretted it since. I should have just stayed there and turned my alarm off, because every single fucking thing that could have gone wrong today *did* go wrong today. I was running late on everything. I'm always early, so I was still on time for it all, but still. That was a bad sign.

The worst of it was being overcharged for something. I can't tell if it was the bank's fault or the post office, but I mailed something yesterday for $4.13. Imagine my surprise when I logged into my bank account and saw I'd been charged $41.03 instead. Obviously it's a typo, but it's a pretty expensive typo. I tried calling the post office, but surprise! It is impossible to get ahold of someone there. It's all automated, and there isn't an option for representative. So I called my bank, but I can't dispute the charge until it goes through. The problem is, when it goes through, I'll be below $0.00, so they're going to charge me a ridiculously high fee.

So on lunch I thought I'd speed home, get my receipt and go to the post office, but of all days there was a major accident at North and York. Nothing was getting through, and all the side streets were backed the fuck up. If I could get back to work and go the other way, I could take 83 instead, but by the time I managed to get back to work, I ran out of lunch time. So I'm fucking stuck with this for now.

Another thing was, I got a call from the company that does our short term disability, but I was busy fighting traffic to get back to work, so I didn't answer it. The VM says I'm getting fucking dropped?!?!?!?!?! What the everloving fucking fuck is going on today?!

There was a lot of other stuff, but it wouldn't make much sense without a bunch of background, which I don't feel like going into right now. And now I can't pay my insurance bill without some serious fucking around. That'll be great.

I'm going to smoke a metric shit-ton of weed right now. I hope when I wake up tomorrow I'll be a lot less mad. Or maybe I'll skip today's mistake and just stay in goddam bed.

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