Tuesday, September 26, 2017


This is the very first thing of mine that was “published.” There were maybe 25-30 copies in existence, and I’m guessing the extant copies are a lot less than that now. This is the weird ‘Eighties action movie sensibility that drove me back then. Except, when I got the chance, I never actually included the action movie fight scene. This story makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. How is this ordinary guy going to kick the ass of a villain so powerful? Why did—never mind. Forget it. This is a ridiculously awful story. There are six chapters before it, but I wrote none of that. I also drew this childish (because, you know, I was a child) picture of a giant moon with a suggested sneering face on it. On the left was a house. On the right was Rick kneeling and crying upon seeing his brutally murdered wife Christy in a garbage can.

This is the first of a series about curating my lesser knownwork. Oh yeah, and remember this? Whoops. I remembered it wrong. Montgomery is actually the son of the protagonist, not the protagonist. Please forgive me not just that, but also the fact that I was in junior high at the time. Everyone sucked when they were in junior high.

By Melvin Yoga

Chapter 7
Mourning at Night

July 24

It was a bright summer day when I walked out to the mailbox where I found a large stack of bills, Christy’s novel, my Muscle magazine, and a package from my old friend, Zack.

As I threw my bills on the table to open the package from Zack, a cold chill went down my spine.

The letter said:

Dear Rick,

I told my butler to mail this package to you when I died, so I guess that I’m dead right now. I want you to read my obituary at my funeral. I left it and a little bonus in this package.

Best wishes,

Christy was so happy that her novel was accepted and was going to be printed. She called up some of her friends and said she was going to have a party. Christy went for a walk. Three hours later the authorities found her dead in a garbage can. She was stabbed to death.

That day I went to the alley where she was killed. I found a note next to where she was. It said, “This is for all the things you said about us in your book.” I didn’t know much about the novel. I just knew the title, Life in the Fast Lane. Christy said she would show it to me when it was published. I guess it’s time I know what this novel is all about. I’ll read the book tomorrow.

I almost freaked out when a lizard scattered between my feet. I stepped on the tail, and it fell off. I decided to keep it. It might bring me luck.

So Christy was dead, and I had a lizard’s tail. Lucky me. I was determined to find the killer. I brought the threat letter to the police. They said they were on the case. At the funeral, I saw a very suspicious guy. I tailed him to a mansion. I went home and I read Christy’s novel. I came across something. “Chang was filthy scum. Something that the cat dragged in.” The name of the mansion that suspicious guy lived in was called The Palace. It all makes sense now. The note said that Christy had said something bad about him. Scum was bad. I went to the mansion and beat up the bad guy and brought him to the police along with the novel. I busted him.

Suddenly, everything became dark. I had a heart attack!

July 27

I woke up in the hospital. My neighbors had seen me fall and called 911. They saved my life. I was in a coma for three days. I would be in the hospital for three more days.

July 30

I was released from the hospital. I got home. I heard the phone ring. It was Mary. Montgomery was a hero! He broke up a fight between three students. It was a brawl with chalkboard erasers and pencils. He broke up the fight in after a wooden eraser cut his arm. I couldn’t believe it.

August 7

I was still so happy for Montgomery. I ate out two shelves of the refrigerator. I felt suddenly sick. Then I had a pain in my chest! Another heart attack!

August 9

I woke up on the floor of my house. I ate too much. I was surprisingly still alive.

August 15

I was watching the news. Bombers were sighted crossing the California border. They were getting closer to Las Vegas. Then, I heard planes overhead right no—


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