Tuesday, November 22, 2022


 I used to look forward to this time of year. Since I started working office jobs in my late twenties, I have always gotten a miniature four day vacation when Thanksgiving rolls around. Four lovely days. Four days of sleeping in and forgetting that I was otherwise chained to a job that would forever haunt me. Four days of freedom. Of things I want to do instead of things I have to do.

I miss those years gone by. Well, in 2020 it didn't mean much to me because I was unemployed. In 2021 and now this year I work at a job that has very little concern for days off. We only get Thanksgiving Day off. That's it. And since it falls on a Thursday--my usual day off--it means nothing to me. Well, it means a little. I get holiday pay. But in all honesty I would rather have an extra day off, especially now since I don't have any vacation or PTO days and won't until 2023.

Maybe someday I'll know what that four day weekend feels like again. I have my doubts. But it would be nice.

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