Monday, June 26, 2023


 A while back I put together a novella and shopped it around as a one shot, and I didn't have a lot of confidence in it. It's an odd concept, but more to the point I'm sure if I'd left it as is, just about everyone on the planet would have sued me. In my cover letter I reassured editors that I would change those details for a final draft, but I wanted them to have a feel for what I intended. Not surprisingly, no one took me up on the offer.

This is either one of the funniest things I've ever done, or it's one of the worst things I've ever done. So I figured fuck it. Why not serialize it on Tales of Unspeakable Taste? Let you all decide. Plus, if I put it up for free, no one can sue me because I'm not making money off it. So I'm not changing those details I said I would.

Don't get me wrong. Not all of Toy Crime Story is funny. There are a lot of dark scenes in there. The fuckin' thing opens with the death of a child, for instance. And then there's the scene where you meet Intensity . . .

So I'm going to start posting chapters on Fridays. I know you'll laugh a lot, but I'm hoping it's with me instead of at me. And you might even surprise yourself with a few tears. And then when I'm done with the whole thing, I'll post another GF column about it because, holy shit, I discovered something about myself while writing this thing, and it was a pretty big surprise.

That's all for now. Keep an eye out this Friday.

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