Thursday, May 30, 2024


 For as long as I've been alive I've had this habit, and I'm not sure how it started or how I can stop it, but if I'm eating something that has some kind of season dusting, then I like to press my lips down onto it and get the crumbs stuck there so I can lick them off when I'm done eating the rest of it.

That's weird, right? The reason I do that is because it tastes great, but it's a bad habit, and since I sometimes do it in public, I've been trying to stop that.

Pizza Hut breadsticks are perfect for this kind of thing. They leave a nice thick layer of seasoning for me to lick away. Blue Diamond also does Smokehouse Almonds, and they're great for this, too. Sometimes potato chips can do it, depending on how heavily they've been dusted. I can usually count on Jay's Open Pit Barbecue chips for that. Or whatever they're calling the flavor now. Bugles are great, too.

But I've been trying to stop doing that, like I've been trying to stop twirling my hair when I'm stressed. I was about to say I beat alcoholism, but that's kind of daily thing. You have to beat it every day,. It's not a one time thing. But getting this many days under my belt? Easier than beating this lip crumbs thing.

It's been a while since I confessed something weird. Tonight seemed perfect for it. Goodnight, fellow weird fuckers.

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