Wednesday, May 15, 2024



So on 4/20 I decided that since I was getting a hefty discount at the dispensary, I'd experiment a little. I'd try brands I ordinarily didn't get. Kaviar is a pretty popular brand. Their strain, Cornbread, is pretty expensive at $33 per preroll, but I got a pretty sweet price for it.

I got home and opened the tube to discover something very weird. No wonder they charged so much! There's a holder on the end. Like a cigarette holder, but clear. You can see it in the picture above. Kinda. I thought that was stupid and was about to yank it off the joint, but I was afraid I might destroy my precious cannabis. So fuck it. I tried the holder.

And now I can never go back.

That holder is so fucking sweet. It maximizes the amount of smoke you inhale, so it gets you higher, and it gets you higher faster. It's such a gamechanger that I kept it and used it on any and all prerolls I bought.

And then I did something stupid. I saw my ashtray had overflowed, so I decided to empty it into the toilet. Since the holder is clear, I didn't see it, and I fuckin' flushed the thing. I didn't realize it until hours later, when I opened a new preroll and looked around for my holder. Goddammit.

But I recently got my medical card, so I no longer pay taxes on cannabis. So I got a couple more Cornbread prerolls just for the holder. (I got a third so one of my friends could have a holder, too. We smoked the joint not too long ago and then went to Superdawg, which is an excellent experience to have. Being high and eating a Supercheesie is great. Extra cheese, of course.)

I'm not gonna fuck this up again. I will never keep the holders in the ashtray together, just in case I repeat my stupid move. Because these holders are fucking great. They really are. I *high*ly recommend getting one if you like to indulge. I swear, you'll never go back.

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