Friday, August 2, 2024



Remember a while back when I said that my eye doctor wanted me in bifocals by 45? And I turned 46 about a week ago? I obviously didn't get them when I got a new pair of glasses because fuck bifocals. I knew wearing them would fuck me up. How could a zone in each lens where the prescription is different NOT fuck up my vision?

I talked to a lot of people with bifocals. The people who are happy with them are old. I'm talking senior citizens. Those around the same age as me fuckin' hate their bifocals. I remember when I was a kid I used to put Gramps's glasses on, and he had bifocals, and I didn't like looking through that part. So I knew, 100%, that I would not like having them myself. I said that I would wear reading glasses over my actual glasses. I don't care if it looks stupid. I would much rather do that.

I was cleaning up around the house yesterday. You know how most people have a junk drawer? We have a junk DRESSER. I want to get rid of it, and I've been going through it just in case there's something in there we need to save. Lo! and behold! I found the reading glasses you see in the picture above.

It's a little odd. No one who has ever lived here needed reading glasses. My grandparents both wore regular glasses. My mom wore regular glasses. My aunt and two cousins wear contacts. Two of my brothers wear glasses (although they try not to ever wear them), and the brother I live with is the one and only lucky person on my mom's side of the family who never needed glasses. I can only assume that these belonged to a visitor who forgot them here, and we held on to them for some reason. And I know they're old because they were filthy when I found them.

I put them on and HOLY SHIT I CAN SEE COMPUTER SCREENS AGAIN! I've been squinting and crouching over my keyboard so I can read whatever I'm typing, whether at home or work. It is fucking amazing how well these help me. The one thing is, I tried them out at work today. Yesterday I only spent an accumulative two hours staring at computer screens, but today I had to spend about eight hours doing it. Every time I left my station I took them off, and they kind of fuck with my regular vision a bit. I have to give myself some time to adjust. But as I write this, wearing them now, it's really a joy to not have to guess how many typos I'm leaving on the page.

It also helps me with reading books. What I usually do is, I take off my glasses and hold the book about five inches from my face to read it. I don't have to do that anymore. Although right now I'm reading a book with larger than usual print, so I don't really need the reading glasses for this.

And that reminds me, no, no matter how big I made the fonts before, I still had to squint. I could clearly see the letters if I made the font size 72 and put it in bold, but I can't exactly write anything that way, can I?

I still see the floaters in my left eye, but they're not as bad as they were before. It's good to know that, no, I'm not going blind. I'm just getting old. I can live with that.

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