Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 Another old news article from my GF notebook. It's a story that absolutely appalled me at the time, but it made me think about many things. The nature of treason, for example. Think back to my piece on Benedict Arnold. I made the point that the current crop of psychopaths and dumb shits on the right had no real reason to commit treason. Benedict Arnold actually did.

Do the people who still worship the Confederacy celebrate the day Ft. Sumter fell? I have a suspicion that they don't. That would require paying attention in history class, and no one really likes history or, bafflingly, they don't see history's relevance. Why you gotta bring up old stuff? But everyone seemed to be paying attention on January 6, 2020, and it doesn't mean the same thing for all. To me January 6 represents the day a presidential candidate tried to pull a coup by sending a bunch of Qanon and MAGA goons to the Capitol to hang Mike Pence. I don't particularly care for Pence, but I have to give him credit for doing the right thing in certifying Biden's election to the White House. He was instructed to lie, and he didn't. For his efforts they tried to kill him.

But for a lot of people January 6 was a pleasant trip to the Capitol with no loss of life, no violence, no property damage, just a bunch of good, Godfearing white people going on a tour. But the fact is, people *did* die. Granted, mostly Trump supporters, but all the same there were three cops who died because of this. I know, I know, me talking about dead cops sounds weird, but one officer literally died in the riot. Two more killed themselves shortly thereafter. That's a hell of a nonviolent tour of the Capitol, eh?

But let's dig a little deeper. Those on the left agree that it was a riot. Those on the right agree it was a tour. So who starts these conversations? I've never heard a conversation about this started by the right. In my experience 100% of these talks are started by the left because IT WAS A FUCKING RIOT. But the right only talks about it if the left starts the discussion. Why? If I went on a tour of the Capitol, I'd take pictures. I'd talk about my tour. I'd show those pictures to my friends. I'd remember it fondly.

To be fair, they did share their pictures. Nancy Pelosi's gavel looked a little odd in the hands of someone who was not Nancy Pelosi. Same for the lectern. And don't get me started on the shaman.

But those on the right don't bring it up in a pleasant fashion. Never have. If they're so proud of their keen li'l tour, why aren't they bragging about it like any other vacationer? Unless they know the truth and won't admit it.

Which brings me to Marjorie Taylor Greene and that story I mentioned at the beginning. She planned an event in Florida to COMMEMORATE JANUARY 6. And Florida--let me remind you FLORIDA--shut that shit down. To MTG January 6 is a reason to celebrate. And she made sure that local Republicans knew it was a celebration for that august date and nothing else.

Why, then, did Florida have to kill the event? Because MTG told Florida representatives that it was an MTG book signing event, nothing more sinister than that. Someone must have ratted on the Republicans' side of the aisle because Florida then learned the true nature of the event. Why did they have to learn it? Because MTG advertised it differently. She made sure no mention of January 6 was involved. If she's so proud of her celebration, then why did she feel the need to lie? Later, when asked about it during a Trump campaign stop, she avoided the question. "I don't really understand the point of your question. It doesn't make any sense."

It's really easy to think of her as stupid because, well, she's Marjorie Taylor Greene. But she's smart enough to lie about her true purposes, which should disqualify her from holding any office in our nation. But treason isn't the scary word it used to be, and somehow we as Americans are okay with her committing treason and then wanting to throw a party over it.

But she, like her ilk, are treasonous. Which means, in my opinion, that she and her ilk hate America and all it stands for. They love to praise Putin. If they love him so much, perhaps they should try living in Russia. See how that works out for them.

I wonder how many of them will accidentally fall out of windows should that happen. Hm.

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