Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 Dammit. It keeps happening to me. I'm still clueless as to why. I spent yesterday puking my guts out, praying for the pain to go away, Finally I went to the ER, where I was given the usual and allowed to rest for a bit. I got home feeling like shit, and I felt like shit through most of today. I think I'm OK now. I hope that my guts will stay where they belong, especially since I plan on getting a burger tomorrow for lunch with a friend.

I hate this. I really do. I quit drinking primarily so this illness would go away, and it did. For a year and a half. I'm sick of puking until my sides are splitting, my back screaming to not have to hover over the toilet like that. I'm sick of, after a bout like that, going back to my bed only to have to get up and do it again 15 minutes later. I hate that sleep is impossible in moments like this. It will keep me up for days if I don't go to the ER for my Zofran and morphine.

I guess it wasn't those pills I've been on for years, after all.

Every morning for the past week I've gotten up and puked. Then everything went back to normal, and I could go to work. It's just that yesterday, after I puked that first time, I got worse instead. I was starting to think it was my lot in life to puke in the mornings and get it over with before heading out into the world. I just want this bullshit to stop.

Maybe I should take up drinking again. At least that way there was something to blame my sickness on. And I do miss having that in my arsenal when it comes to pain. Instead of popping painkillers I could down some whiskey. Any time my teeth bothered me? I could take a mouthful of booze and swish it around in my mouth, and the pain would go away. I miss that.

I probably shouldn't take up drinking again. But think of this: after more than two years away from the bottle, my liver is probably in great shape!

OK, to keep up with my numbers, I'll post a GF on Saturday, too.

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