Monday, January 20, 2025


I stand against every president we've ever had. But Trump has my special interest. I will stand against Trump for as long as I have breath. For as long as he's in the White House. For as long as he has a breath to utter his crazy and evil bullshit. --me, Goodnight, Fuckers #252

That quote is from a GF written near the end of January 2017, not too long after Trump took office the first time. I've been rereading some of these pieces to get a grip on Inauguration Day: Part Deux, as Trump takes back that office in much the same way Grover Cleveland reclaimed his. Like it or not, Trump sets presidential records. He's got more impeachments than any other president in history, and he's the first presidential felon. For example.

That first time, in 2017, I noted that Trump had the executive and legislative branches, and he almost had the judicial. That was the only thing standing in his way, that one tiny li'l check and balance. He lost Congress at the midterms, but he very shrewdly fixed that judicial problem he had last time. Now he has the whole fuckin' thing. All three branches. No checks and balances. He has, indeed, been given a mandate. I have my doubts about it being from God, but the American people sure seemed eager to give it to him. Trading politically is how politicians survive. It's how citizens make their peace with their electoral choices. And now, I'm flabbergasted if I can see how the American people decided that the economy is more important than people. Then again, this country was made for oligarchs from the start, not the people, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised in the Land of Property Over People. But a lot of folks ought to be ashamed of themselves. They think they're the good guys. When you're doing evil shit, you tend to know it and feel guilty about it, at least a little. When you think you're the good guys doing good deeds? The people trying to stop you, like me, are the evil ones in that scenario.

The fact that Trump is once more in the Oval Office is perverse to me. All the same, what would it be like if Kamala Harris had won? Everything would be kinder, but it wouldn't make much else of a difference. Two heads, one beast.

I don't vote. No, that does *not* mean I can't complain. I am voicing dissent over a system that does not work unless you are upper class. It doesn't work for anyone else. I will not willingly take part in a system that does not give a shit about me or anyone else below a certain salary level. It's a device designed to specifically never change from that primary directive.

"If voting is so inconsequential, why are politicians trying to take that right away from people?" I have to admit, I've thought about that a great deal. Sometimes it even tricks me into backing away from my values. For a couple of years there I'd even started believing the question was an important one, but it isn't. Voting is a good way to distract people, because those votes ultimately don't matter. The Electors decide who is president, and their choice is between two people our corporate overlords have already approved of.

Voting has a second purpose. The true owners of our country have ensured that the president will only ever be a Democrat or a Republican. There is actually only one party, as Gore Vidal tells us: The Property Party. Every four years, I believe our corporate overlords take note of who gets voted in and act accordingly. They floated Trump, the perfect American slob, as a possible dictator in 2016, and we went for it. If we'd reelected him, then hooray! Let's take these suckers for all they're worth. But we went with Biden.

And this time, we went with Trump again. "Oh, they like a dictator, do they?" the cigar-chomping assholes say while having their dicks sucked on their new pedo-island. "Let's give 'em a dictator."

America has chosen fascism, which isn't entirely surprising. Our system is irreparably broken. It works only as a machine to make the rich richer. And we'd better get used to it. Since no one is going to do anything, my advice is to get familiar with cannibalism.

I said something else in that GF I quoted, something about refreshing the tree of liberty, not with the blood of patriots, but of tyrants (the other part of the Jefferson quote that people forget). Voting certainly doesn't work. It only encourages our corporate overlords. So if someone's planning a Tea Party, now's the time.

[I just remembered the Tea Party, as in, the political party. Yeesh. I feel a little sick knowing that some of those swine are still around.]

Trump really is trying to remake America. He can't make it great again. He's nowhere near man enough to figure out how to do that. Please. Putin plays chess. I doubt Trump knows how to even play checkers. You mean to tell me that Trump, the guy who regularly sucks Putin's dick, is going to stop the most villainous dictator currently on the world stage? He couldn't even bluff Droopy Dog *without* the sheriff's badge. But he has a lot of important people backing him up, and he's not making America great again for everyone. America will only be good if you are white, born male (and you stayed that way), hetero and have lots of money. And don't worry about those pesky borders. There won't be any. Canada the 51st state? Taking Greenland and the Panama Canal back? Why stop there when Russia could be the 100th state (when we get around to it)? He's planning big, but he on his own is not a capable man. The capable people are backing the son of a bitch.

I think he intends to rule the world. How do you stand in the way of something like that without prodigious amounts of violence and bloodshed?

America has not been great for a very long time. Our country is in the twilight of its years as the Leader of the Free World (TM). It should be. We started our country with genocide, got it built and kept it moving through "the peculiar institution" and now we have to get rid of all the nonwhites, all the LGBTQ+ people, most of the women. We'll keep the white women. The white men need to reproduce, and it's frowned upon not to stick to one's own race. But if we could get rid of the white women, we would!

It occurs to me that, while these pricks are busy doing that garbage, that we'd be very vulnerable to attack. If the rest of the world ganged up on us, they might actually stand a chance, and that would be their moment to strike. This is, of course, science fiction. A parallel universe where they can all put aside all their differences and tackle the Big Bad together. See? No, that's obviously not *our* world. The Big Bad is the US of A. That's mirror world shit. Right? Someone do a goatee check on me.

When we (mostly McKinley and Theodore Rex) started worrying about our place in the world, just before the beginning of The American Century (please envision those words in an Indiana Jones swoop), we killed thousands of Filipinos (in their own country!) to have a foothold in Asia. How many thousands? No one knows for sure (possibly 200,000), but I suspect we were angry with Hitler for taking the Genocidal World Record from us, which we did, indeed, previously have. This genocide was so wanton that Mark Twain said, in response, that our flag for the Philippines should be an American flag with black stripes instead of white, and a skull and crossbones in the place of stars.

I suspect we may have a use for that flag, ourselves.

Some of you might be saying, "It's only four years. Then some other asshole is going to be in charge." Steve Bannon already floated the idea of getting rid of term limits for Trump. One of his underlings presents it in the House. And so it flies through Congress, which belongs to Trump, all the way up to his very own desk. What's he going to do, veto it? It'll be interesting to see if we actually have an election in 2028. If we do, I'll be surprised if it's a real one, as we very loosely define "real."

One last thing: you might find this amusing, especially when I accuse the 2016 election of being rigged. If you lose an election and don't accuse it of being rigged, did you even run for president? In case you've forgotten I did run for the White House that year as a book promotion, which is why I refer to not even voting for myself. Which book was I promoting? It wasn't Dong of Frankenstein, was it? Dear God, I think it was! It couldn't have been And Jesus Came Back, that was too late. It had to be Dong!

And I *didn't* win?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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