Friday, January 24, 2025


 OK, I don't have a lot of time tonight, so this will be a short one. You know how people complain about rich people not paying their "fair share," ie. taxes? They actually don't need to. It's not required. If you were given a choice between paying taxes and not paying taxes, would you?

Seriously. They don't have to. That's perfectly legal. This is how they do it:

If you want to make Elon Musk, for example, pay his fair share, make the NO TAX column taxable. Write to your representatives and make it happen. They're not likely to do it, so you'll have to run a media campaign that is more like a blackmail racket than anything. Hold their feet to the goddam fire. Also, stop treating corporations like people. They are not. We have a flat tax of 21% on the cocksuckers, so they'll never be afraid of getting stuck in a higher tax bracket, like the rest of us.

There's your blueprint. Go forth and conquer.

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