Earlier today I mentioned on social media that my Pharmacy War ended with a pyrrhic victory. I would get my meds, but I would have to get them from fucking CVS. Well, I spoke too soon. The war isn't over yet. Why? Because I still haven't gotten my meds.
To ensure that CVS would have my meds, I called into my doctor's office and requested that all of my medications, especially my two 'Beetus prescriptions because I'm out of those, be sent to CVS going forward, and I would be stopping by after work because I've gone without Glimepride for three days and Metformin for one day. Guess who didn't have my meds.
And now I find myself with nothing further I can do. I'm at the mercy of my new doctor. I swear to fuck, when I finally die it will probably be because of red tape bullshit like this. Just watch. Tomorrow morning I will wake up in the midst of a fucking stroke. Or maybe I won't wake up.
This is taking a toll on me. I like my usual pharmacy. I walk in and they know me. They know why I'm there, and they keep products that I prefer in stock. It's a nice place with friendly people. When I walk in there, I know exactly what I'm going to get.
But this new insurance plan that demands I get my meds from CVS? It can suck my dick. I don't want to go to a megacorporation for my medications, but if I had to, I certainly wouldn't choose CVS. I'd probably go with Walgreen's. That's just a gun-to-the-head situation. CVS is awful. Every time I've ever been in one my skin crawls. Also, aisles are labeled very poorly. At least Walgreen's has well-labeled aisles and they all look more or less the same, so navigating their stores is easy.
This fucking blows. It would be nice if I could spend one fucking day where I don't have to think about my own mortality. With all the doctors visits and now this fucking mess, that's making it nearly fucking impossible. I'm angry all the time because of this shit. Here I was, thinking I'd mellowed out in my old age, and then 2020 broke down my door and clubbed me with its giant four-foot long cock. And then his little brother 2021 arrived with a five-foot cock destined for my face.
I can only assume 2022 will have a six-foot cock.
And in case I didn't say fuck enough in this column, here's one more: FUCK.