Tuesday, January 18, 2022



So back in March of 2020, when I'd lost the plot in addition to many other things, including my job, I'd decided I wasn't going to get a haircut ever again. My lifelong barber had just died, and I didn't feel like finding a new barber. Usually I stop shaving and getting haircuts on Halloween, and I don't resume these things until late March or early April. It's mostly to have extra hair covering me during the winter.

But I changed my ways. My hair got so long I needed to tie it back in a ponytail, and my beard went down to my mid-chest. And in March 2021 I got a new job, so I figured maybe showing up looking like a crackhead might not be the best look. I trimmed the beard down so it looked reasonable (and pretty handsome, if I don't say so myself), but I had to figure out what I was going to do with my hair. Fuck it. I was 42, and I still had a full head of hair. Why not have some fun with it? I decided I was either going to get a Mohawk or get the Joe Miller from the first season of The Expanse.

Well, no middle-aged fat guy looks good in a Mohawk, so I decided to do the Miller. It didn't come out like I thought, but it turned out pretty nice. But then it kept growing and growing, and I had a new goal: I'm going to get the Shemp.

Shemp's hair doesn't look very special. In fact, it looks pretty short if you're not paying attention. But if he catches a particularly bad blow to the face, or he leans forward too far, you see that his hair is actually very long. It's because the hair at the front up top goes all the way to his neckline in the back. It's deceptive and looks pretty cool. For the past few months, I've had the Shemp, and I've been happy with it.

But now it's winter again, so I let my hair keep going. And now that I've had long hair for years, I'm getting kind of tired of it. I think when spring rolls around I'm going to get it sheared off so it's as short as I usually liked to get it.

I'm keeping the beard, though. Goddam, I look sexy with that beard.

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