Wednesday, January 19, 2022


 Every once in a while my mind comes up with a horrible idea that I should never unleash into the world . . . and then I unleash it into the world, usually in the form of fiction. But there are some horrible thoughts that I think twice about. For example, "Butt Club." As I wrote that one, I thought about the book I was paying homage to/parodying/ripping off. So many people took that book and the subsequent movie the wrong way and actually started creating Fight Clubs. What if I inadvertently started a bunch of people creating Butt Clubs? I know I have nowhere near the reach of Chuck Palahniuk, but at the same time, he didn't either, not when Fight Club first came out.

(And I almost did start a Butt Club at a bizarro live reading. Thankfully everyone seemed to be in the joke. I had some doubts about a couple of people, but to the best of my knowledge, no one has created a Butt Club. Also, if you want to read that story, you can find it in TALES OF UNSPEAKABLE TASTE.)

So I thought of a terrorist attack that would absolutely work and change our way of life forever. And I'm not shy about sharing it here because Palahniuk wrote another book in which he described a terrorist act that would 100% work even if you knew all about it. If you haven't read Pygmy, give it a shot and you'll see. Brian K. Vaughan also came up with a great idea for one in The Private Eye, which is definitely worth the read. The terrorist attack in that one isn't a spoiler. It's background for the story he wanted to tell, so I'll describe it here. In his graphic novel someone released everyone's search history to the world so no one could possibly have a secret from anyone ever. Also, who can kink shame when everyone knows what everyone else is into? In the book everyone has just decided to declare a worldwide amnesty and to never discuss it ever again, but think about what would happen if someone did that in reality?

So my idea is, what would happen if someone hacked into everyone's social media and the texts on their phones and made public everyone's private messages. Do you want to know what someone really thinks of you? Who among your friends list are closet Nazis? Who is sending unsolicited dick pics or revenge porn or creep shots? What happens when the people you talk about behind their backs find out about those things you're saying? My policy is to never say something to someone I wouldn't say to their face, but I'm all too aware that I'm in the minority on that thought.

What happens when no one really likes anyone else, and no one can trust anyone?

It's not too far fetched that something like that could happen. Considering all the hacks you hear about, all the personal information stolen, all the purloined identities, all it takes is a hacker ruthless and heartless enough to do it.

Hopefully no one will do it. But you never know.

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