Saturday, June 1, 2024


 No, it's not the Mystery of John Bruni's Missing Blood. That would be a nice answer to have. This other mystery I solved a few months back, but I'm getting caught up now. No, I'm talking about a mystery that plagued me at the psych ward.

Do you remember when I was writing about my experiences there, and I was being admitted by an asshole who looked like Jerry from Parks and Rec?

He looked like Jerry so much I went on IMDB to get Jerry's real name.
Wasn't him.

At one point he's going over my list of medications, and I apparently missed one. He got pissed off at me and yelled for a while about me not disclosing my benzo use to him. Benzos? I never really got into those, so him insisting that I was on them baffled me. Him yelling at me made me angry, but you never EVER want to get angry at someone when you're a patient in the psych ward. Since I had plans to leave there as soon as humanly possible, I kept quiet.

He told me he'd looked at my blood, and I had benzos in my blood stream. Which should have been impossible. Unless someone slipped me something, I had no idea how the benzo got in my system.

Now I know how it happened. I was given a benzo at the regular hospital before they sent me to the psych ward. I didn't know at the time that Ativan was a benzo, and they gave it to me to prevent me from going into alcohol withdrawal.

It reminds me of the time I was in the ER at a shift change, and the new doctor came into my room to demand why I had morphine in my system. "Uh . . . because the last doctor gave it to me?"

That solves that mystery. And we're at 850, which means I'm caught up on GF! Back to my regularly scheduled madness on Monday!

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