Monday, June 3, 2024


 When I heard we were getting two hordes of cicadas this year, I wasn't too thrilled. I remembered from when I was a kid, and the little fuckers got everywhere. You couldn't enjoy a car ride with the windows down because you were likely to get peppered in the face with cicadas. You couldn't leave your windows open unless you wanted cicadas moving in with you. Hell, just going outside is temptation enough for them to get on you and follow you wherever you go before you notice them.

But so far I haven't seen many of them, and they've been out for a while. I can hear those loud fuckers in the trees. They are so loud I can hear them inside with the windows closed, and it doesn't sound like they're outside. The sound is relentless. So why haven't I seen many of them out and about?

Well, most days I *do* spend inside due to work, but I have Thursdays off. I go to forest preserves to read on my day off, and I've not seen many of them much to my surprise. I've seen more dead cicadas than living ones. This afternoon when I got home from work I saw one perched on a package on my stoop. The other day I saw one hanging out in the bushes by my car. But that's it, really. Although I do see them buzzing around through the window when I'm at work. I expected a lot more of them, though.

Is it possible that I'm misremembering because I was a much smaller person at the time? I've stood in rooms that struck me as huge when I was a kid, but as an adult they're not very impressive. Do I just have a child's memory of the little bastards getting everywhere?

I remember seeing my lawn covered in the buggers when I was a kid. Not so much now. Did there seem to be so many more of them way back when? Or maybe there's just not that many of them this time? Anyone else in the area have similar memories and experiences? Let me know.

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