Tuesday, June 4, 2024


It's entirely possible that Donald Trump is a good man and that I'm entirely wrong about him. It's entirely possible that Alex Jones is a rational man with well-thought theories. It's entirely possible that Elon Musk has our best interests at heart. It's entirely possible that CEOs deserve millions, if not billions, while their workers deserve less than minimum wage. It's entirely possible that Carrot Top is funny. It's entirely possible that the remake of Road House is superior to the original film. It's entirely possible that Jar-Jar is the best part of The Phantom Menace. It's entirely possible that Nick Cave is lying when he says he doesn't like Bukowski; in fact it's entirely possible that Bukowski is Cave's favorite poet. It's entirely possible that Rob Tannahill loves cops so much he took me aside privately to take me to task for my ACAB series.

But it's not fucking likely.

This is Goodnight, Fuckers by request! Earlier tonight Rob sent me his version of the Bugs Bunny NO meme you see above, and I said to him, weird, I was going to use the real version in my GF tonight. He said, again? I asked if I'd used it before, and he said I had. It was about how I loved to say no. And wouldn't you know it? That was exactly what I was going to write about tonight. I've written so many of these fucking things that it's easy to forget if I've done a topic before. I shit you not, I have written new versions of old GF columns only to realize before posting that I'd done it before. At least this time I didn't write the whole thing. Also, it would seem I'm pretty consistent. And I know I wrote about that one before. You know what I mean. At any rate Rob suggested I use the "it's entirely possible" motif, and here we are. If anyone else has any requests, let me know.

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