Tuesday, October 15, 2024



You might remember from last night that I mentioned having a liquid opioid for pain since I can't take pills. I took the recommended dose, and I'm impressed. It's vicodin, in case you were wondering.

It surprised me by not taking effect quickly. I assumed that since it was liquid it would work faster. I remember thinking, maybe I should take more, but the doctor told me this is highly addictive, and he confirmed that I do, indeed, have enough to addict me. I doubted it at the time, but he also gave me Naloxone just in case of OD. Maybe he wasn't fucking around, after all. He hedged his bets. So I left it as is.

When it hit, it hit pretty hard. I've had many opioids throughout my life, and of those available to the public with a prescription? This is easily the best. The next step up, in my experience, is getting a morphine injection, which the public would have to be in the hospital to get. It killed my pain, but the rush is fairly intense. I'm not going to fuck around with this. It's potent, and I already want more of it. In fact, I may keep this aside for when I get another bout of my sickness. I have a sneaking suspicion this might stop such a bout.

I took another dose this morning because my guts were still troublesome, and it was a sensation I very much enjoyed, so I'm going to see if I can muscle through the rest of this pain. It should be gone by now, but I'm guessing the torn esophagus had something to do with it. I also have liquid Tylenol, which may work better for now.

But it's good to know I have this stuff in my back pocket.

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