Tuesday, October 11, 2022


 I've been told that I have a very pleasant voice ever since I was a child. I think I refined it perfectly when I worked for many years as a conference operator. I've had lots of experience reading aloud. Everyone from my mom when I was a kid to the people I shared my IOP meetings with, they've all said I have a great voice. I'm so good at it that customers at work routinely ask me if I'm a bot or a real person.

So fuck it. Maybe I should go into voice work. I think I could probably be some cartoon character's voice,  or perhaps I could do some audio books. Shit, I think I could even do voiceovers on commercials.

I looked into it a bit, and the number one piece of advice the internet seems to have is to get a decent recorder. That's all well and good, and if I'm really serious about this kind of thing I think that should be a pretty good step one. But what's the point if I can't find anywhere to submit applications?

I know a few people who do voicework, and maybe some of you are reading this. How does one get into voicework? How do you find jobs in that industry? I'm not seeing a lot on Indeed about this, so I'm guessing there are other places to go job hunting for this kind of thing? Any suggestions?

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