Friday, October 14, 2022


 I loved The Young Pope. It was a very thoughtful and blasphemous story, and I miss watching it. If you missed it, it's about Jude Law's character, who I would consider a Satanist, becoming Pope and the debauchery that kind of thing leads to, but there is one scene that I think about often.

In fact, here it is. Take the three minutes to watch it. I'll wait.

I think I was at my last IOP meeting when this scene came back to me. You know I'm an atheist, but I try to be as open-minded as possible. The older I get, the more I realize that the universe is a very strange place. Anyway, we were talking about prayer, and I couldn't help but think of Jude Law talking about the nature of such an act, that it shouldn't be a wish list but a reflection.

I like to meditate, and I like to reflect. For the former I do my absolute best to not think about anything. I'm rarely successful, but that's what I'm trying for. The latter is a very different sort of beast. I think about things. I turn them over in my head. I seek understanding. I reflect.

And in a way, in just such a fashion as Jude Law mentions, I suppose I do pray. I'm not waiting to hear God whispering to me. More likely it's my subconscious that will do that. But yeah. During that IOP meeting I realized that in my very backwards way, I do pray.


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