Monday, December 20, 2021


 So when I have the day off, I like to go read at forest preserves. It gets me out of the house, and if it's timed right, I don't have to run into too many people. There are times where I have the whole place to myself, and I like that best of all. But my favorite to go to is the Fullersburg Forest Preserve. In particular the Graue Mill end of it.

This place was built (if you can build a natural place, I guess) by the CCC, which was one of the best things FDR came up with. It served two great purposes. First, it preserved the natural beauty of this country as an extension of Theodore Roosevelt's creation of national parks. Without the CCC I'm sure there would be a strip mall where the Graue Mill stands. Hell, some people are trying to tear it down even now but for different reasons. And I hope they fucking fail.

The other great purpose was it created millions of jobs during the Great Depression. So when you wander down forest preserve paths or cross the bridges there and so on, the CCC built that for you.

The CCC was short lived, sadly. It was created in 1933 and was a casualty of World War II. The government needed the money to beat the shit out of the Axis, so they took it from the CCC. It's odd thinking these forest preserves are, in the big picture, kind of new.

Considering the amount of energy drinks and water I consume, it should come as no surprise that I've had to use the outhouses at these places. They're fucking horrible places, but that's the way it's supposed to be. I remember thinking, as I stood at the urinal, shocked at how overpowering the stink in there was, I realized that I was pissing on decades and decades worth of shit. Maybe some of it belonged to the CCC that built this Satan's black, hell-besmeared, farting hole.

I'm sure their shit is buried a lot lower and might even have fossilized by now. (It should be noted that I own a petrified dinosaur turd. Because of course *I* would.)

No wonder it stinks so bad in there.

Yeah, I know. You didn't expect a Warlock reference tonight. Neither did I.

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