Tuesday, August 30, 2022


I'm certain this thing lives under Jefferson Elementary.

 I love going to forbidden places. Meaning, places no one is supposed to be. I'm almost certain I've written about this here before, but I'm too high to go back and search.

I don't know why I was thinking about this tonight, but there was a place around back of the elementary school I went to that was just such a place. It was close to the building, far from the playground, so no one really hung out around there. It was a grating that led down into a subterranean level. It reminded me of Jabba's palace, where he had the trapdoor that led to the Rancor's pit. So I remember playing Star Wars there a lot and imagining I'd been sent down to fight the Rancor.

Nowadays it reminds me more of the place where the neo-Nazis in Breaking Bad kept Jesse Pinkman when they had him captured. So if you're looking for a frame of reference, it's like that.

I never got to go down there because it was always locked. I've always liked exploring, and it irritated me that I couldn't get down there. If the zombie apocalypse ever happens, I'm grabbing some bolt cutters from the hardware store, and I'm going to find out what's down there once and for all. It's probably not exciting, but what the hell?

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