Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 It irritates me every time I go to the doctor, dentist or optometrist. And it happens each and every time despite me telling them otherwise.

I'm pretty sure I've talked here before about how I am *not* a John Paul. My full name might be John Paul Bruni, but I am not a fucking John Paul. I am John, goddammit.

There is, however, a new thing happening. I don't know where it fucking came from, and I don't want it to fucking stay. But more and more people are doing it, and it puzzles and angers me. The worst part is, it's mostly happening at work where I just sort of have to suck it up and accept it.

For some reason, unfathomable to me, people hear me introduce myself as John, and they start calling me Jonathan. Which I most fucking definitely am not.

There are many forms of the name John, but I only use one of them. Contrary to idiocy's belief, John is not short for Jonathan. Never has been, never will be. There are a few exceptions, like Johnathan, but they are so rare I shouldn't even have to go into this.

I think people hear what they think is an abbreviated name, and they decide to do some weird super-adult "polite" thing where they won't refer to you by that abbreviated name. I find it difficult to call a grown man named Joe, for example, Joey. Or Timmy or Johnny or whatever. I will call them what they want me to call them, regardless. Jonathan *does* have an abbreviation: Jon. And I am not a Jon.

Some people call me John. Very, very few people call me Paul. Most people just call me Bruni unless there's more than one of us around. (In theory. I remember once when my dad, my brother and I went shooting in the Nevada desert, and my brother's friends called him Bruni despite our presence.) But I can't stand being called John Paul, and I'm learning a brand new fresh anger when people call me Jonathan.

I can't say this to my customers at work, but it has to get out of my system somehow. GF is, unfortunately, a great place for me to vent my grievances and psychoses. Apologies for the rant.

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