Monday, July 1, 2024


 I recently had another bout of my usual mystery illness, so once more I am on short term disability. Every time I'm in the ER for this a doctor asks if I have bloody stools, and every time I've said no. But when my illness concluded this time I *did* notice blood in my stools. My shit looked like used coffee grounds. So when I went to my usual doctor and told him this, he asked me when my next appointment is with the GI doctor. It was at the end of July. He said to call the office and to mention the bloody stools to guarantee that GI would see me ASAP. Because I'd also lost a lot of weight. More than usual.

I got in to see the GI doc that same day, and he said that he wanted me to swallow a camera pill so he can look in my small intestine for either a blood leak or a tumor. He left the decision to me, but he said he strongly suggested that I be admitted to the hospital for the test, and that it had to be done that day. Time, he said, was of the essence, especially if it turned out to be a tumor.

So I went to the ER and got a room in the hospital. I was not technically admitted, as this is more for observation than anything else.

Before I went to the ER, I stopped off for food, and it was a good thing I did. By the time I got my room the kitchen was closed, and they wanted me on a clear liquid diet. They also wanted me to swallow some bowel prep so the camera could see clearly. It brought back horrible memories of my colonoscopy.

The camera was about as big as the first joint on my index finger, and it flashed a light, presumably for taking pictures inside of me. I swallowed it, and they had me wear a vest that would collect the data as the camera worked its way through me. After 2 hours I could drink water again. After 4 they let me have a light snack. After 8 I could remove the vest. Finally, the next day they let me have a full meal.

The camera found nothing. It's a relief because, hey, no tumor. It's worrisome because there is still something wrong with me. I lost ten pounds during my hospital stay. I no longer have bloody stools (thank fuck), so I'm hoping whatever this is isn't too bad. But my next step is a hematologist to see if they can figure out where my missing blood went. I was down to 7.1 hemoglobin in the hospital, but it was up to 7.5 when I left. A good sign.

My health horrors aren't over, but at least we know more now. I'll keep you updated as I learn more. For a while there I was pissed off because I figured a tumor would kill me within months, and I'd never get to fulfill one of my goals: to beat my mom's high score. She died at 53. I thought I could beat that for sure. Dad's high score, 59, will be more difficult, but I thought I at least had Mom in the bag. So yeah, one of my goals is to live to 60. After that, no promises.

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