Friday, November 10, 2023



I've been thinking about this a lot since this episode of Last Week Tonight aired about homeschooling. It's lengthy, but give it a watch. I think it might be more important than I originally thought.

We all know the real reason why politicians offer thoughts and prayers instead of meaningful help when it comes to school shootings. How many of them won their office with financial support from the NRA? But you'd think at the very least they would care about those kids getting gunned down. They can't all be that horrible, can they?

According to my theory, yes, they can be. Those politicians who don't give a fuck are mostly rightwing nutjobs who believe in God, country and family, supposedly in that order. Although they constantly put God and country on the same level, and family is kind of an afterthought. How many of these jerkoffs have been busted having affairs? Just for example. But they can't get it through their thick skulls that there *is* a separation of church and state whether they fucking like it or not, and they fucking well don't like it.

Since homeschooling isn't regulated much (or at all, really), that makes it a perfect way to indoctrinate their kids into their own way of thinking instead of just trusting it to the public schools. And homeschooling is a lot cheaper than Catholic school, which is where the rich rightwing scumbags send their kids.

Not many of them put their kids in public school, so why care about those who do? More to the point, why not make public school some kind of awful place that no one would want to send their kids to? So here's my theory, if you haven't figured it out yet. They want to make public schools useless and dangerous as a means of furthering their church = state agenda. Yes, make it so they can't teach kids books other than the Bible anymore. That will dumb down the children and ensure that they get nowhere in the world. And why not just turn psychos with guns loose at these schools? Make them so dangerous no one would want to go there only to learn from books that were banned a week previous, anyway.

I'm fairly certain these walking, breathing pieces of dogshit think that public school is evil and the very concept needs to be destroyed. I wouldn't be surprised if at least one, if not all, of them called public schools a socialist idea.

And they have no idea that the true evil can be found in their own mirror. Because fuck the doomed. Why not?

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