Thursday, November 16, 2023


Or maybe the criminals running the courts.


Earlier this week the Supreme Court made an announcement that they now have a Code of Ethics. Who wrote this code? Oh yeah . . . about that. They did.

They tried to make it sound like they've always had this code because they borrowed it from the lower courts. For the lower courts, it's essential for a judge to recuse themselves if there is a conflict of interest in a case they've been assigned. If they don't, there is a punishment. If the defendant appeals, then the appeals judge can look at the original judge, and if there's a conflict of interest, and that guy didn't recuse himself . . . yeah. The same goes for the appeals judge when the Supreme Court is looking at it. Except, who watches the Watchmen?

That's right. There is no way to enforce the rules when it comes to Supreme Court Justices. There is no higher court to hand down penalties or to reverse decisions. So their new code of ethics is a fifteen page waste of time.

But they're not worried about that. Why would they be?

The first analogy that came to mind is letting corporations make up their own regulations, and we all know how that worked out. Hence the need for strict corporate regulation. But that goes over a lot of people's heads sometimes. I have a better analogy, one that will be sure to cut to the quick for any law and order kind of person accidentally reading this.

You know who should make up the rules in prison? The prisoners. Get rid of the warden and the guards and everything else, and let them regulate themselves.

I'm not a big fan of prisons, but typing those words made even my butthole clench a little. Perhaps it's time to regulate these Justices. Clearly they can't do it on their own. Or we can continue to laugh at the joke. Too many people would envision themselves as the Joker in a case like this. Edgy people (almost always guys) see themselves as the jester cutting through the bullshit to make room for laughter, and the king can't ever punish the jester, can he?

I suspect these Joker wannabes are more along the lines of this guy, though:

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