Monday, August 5, 2024


 Remember last week, the GF column I wrote about people looking up at the sky? I didn't miss the aliens. I still have no idea what that was all about, but it wasn't aliens, unfortunately.

So where are the aliens? Perhaps all those flying saucer and anal probe stories are true. I'm not inclined to believe that, though. I loved Communion, but I don't think it's a true story. Sorry to Whitley Streiber fans. I also loved Fire in the Sky, but those guys eventually came out and said they made it up. So I don't put too much faith in those stories.

Is it possible the aliens never visited? It's likely they haven't. The universe is a big place, and we're in an isolated corner of it. It would be cool if they had visited, but I doubt it. Chances are, if their civilization is advanced beyond ours, they have their own James Webb telescope but better. If that's the case, maybe they've been watching us much like we would watch a trainwreck. How can they be this crazy and still think they're civilized? Or even better, aliens think the earth is a bad neighborhood, and they don't want to get mugged or have their flying saucer stolen.

So maybe if we don't get our act together the aliens will NEVER come and visit. Which means we need to stop kicking each other in the nuts whenever we get the chance. Perhaps we should stop indiscriminately killing one another? How about we stop shouting platitudes and Political Views (TM) and possibly work toward fixing things and getting along?

I've gone over this before, but not out of desperation for us to meet aliens. If that's what it's going to take, we need to get our collective shit together. I want to meet the aliens, dammit. You probably do, too. Let's meet the aliens. Together.

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