Thursday, August 15, 2024


 Has it been months since the last time I shit-talked Elon Musk? I guess so. To quote the song, I'm back in the saddle again.

Remember when I said I used to like Musk, but then I paid more attention to him? It seems that his first wife, Justine, felt much the same way. They met in college before either one of them was 20 yet. She gave him five children, so she clearly loved him at some point. Let's take a look at her thoughts on the subject of Ex's biggest douche-nozzle.

Their first date seems to be an incomplete description from what she wrote in Marie Claire. It seems he invited her out for ice cream, but it doesn't say whether she said yes. He did go looking for her with two ice cream cones, searching all over campus, ice cream melting over his knuckles. Of this event she said, "He is not a man who takes no for an answer."

From context, I think she said yes and then was difficult to find. They dated for a while and then went to different schools, but they stayed in touch. Sent each other letters. Visited and had dinner when they could. She wrote of him, "It was the first time that a boy found my sense of ambition--instead of my long hair or narrow waist--attractive." Interesting.

They separated for a while, and she lived in Japan before coming home to Canada and getting back together with Elon Musk. She moved into his apartment, but they argued often, sometimes in public. "[He] never hesitated to let me know that I was wrong about something," she said.

As he got richer, he often made jokes about dumping her for a supermodel. Instead he proposed marriage to Justine. Musk's friends (and even his brother) tried to talk him out of it, but they got married in 2000. During their first dance he told her that he was the alpha in this relationship. As if the supermodel thing wasn't bad enough as it is.

Their first child died in his sleep. This set her down a path of depression, but she got pregnant again and had more children, but the marriage was far from happy. "Elon was obsessed with his work. When he was home, his mind was elsewhere. I longed for deep and heartfelt conversations, for intimacy and empathy." She told him how much she hated him. He called her moron and idiot. He once said that if she were his employee, he'd fire her.

"I met him when he didn't have much at all," she said of him. "The accumulation of wealth and fame changed the dynamic."

He wanted her to dye her hair blonde. Blonder. Platinum! He wanted her to go to parties where men talked and women looked pretty. Finally, Justine said of herself, "I barely recognized myself. I had turned into a trophy wife, and I sucked at it." Not surprising, as she's an author. We authors don't make very good trophy partners.

They divorced after 8 years, and 6 weeks later Musk gleefully texted her that he was getting married again. And that should say everything.

Justine Musk went from being loved for her ambition to an attempt at turning her into a trophy wife instead of a person. That's pretty fucked up. I'm trying to imagine Musk walking around campus with those melting ice cream cones, and I can't see it. I wonder if maybe he was this way the whole time, and Justine didn't notice. I certainly didn't notice, not at first.

Oddly she doesn't regret her marriage to him. I think I would. Most definitely. I suspect a touch of Stockholm Syndrome, but one thing is for sure: Elon Musk is a Grade A Prick, USDA Approved.

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