Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 I recently found myself with some free time (due to feeling ill), so I decided to watch the remake of Pet Sematary and then its prequel, Pet Sematary: Bloodlines.

What a fucking waste of a movie. It thinks its being clever because it hit all the usual Pet Sematary beats until it deviates from the script. Of course, doing something like that would require being surprised by the fact that Ellie gets hit by the truck instead of Gage, but that was pretty easily ascertained from watching the trailer. Whoops. Although I will give it credit for an exceptionally cruel ending. I remember thinking, shit, the only thing that can save this movie is if [censored] dies in addition to the other things that happen, and I'm glad I got my wish, but it was not enough to save this film.

Bloodlines doesn't start out too bad. It's actually decent for maybe the first half. It's good rural horror that knows how to pace itself until it stops knowing that. Things get out of hand fast, and its a shambles by the end. I appreciated the ending because of what it means for poor young (sexy) Jud Crandall until you realize that he's supposed to be a young John Lithgow, not a young Fred Gwynne. Then he stops making sense, too. Stupid sexy Jud Crandall.

But if you look at the movie from a different perspective, it's actually pretty good. If Timmy Baterman is the protagonist, it's actually a horror story about returning home from war, where everyone is suspicious of you and treats you differently until they want to kill you. But no one is going to watch it from that perspective.

All told, I wasted my time. But I knew that going in.

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