Thursday, August 29, 2024


 I think about the nature of the universe often. I have ever since I was a child wondering what the universe looked like before the universe existed. And what it looked like before that other thing existed. Etc. I wonder if we're in the Matrix at times, but if that were true, nothing would have real stakes. So it's a wonderful nihilistic approach, but it's not for me.

We're all dead and in Hell? That's not a very original idea, but it's one that makes sense to me at times. Sometimes I think we're all dead, and the thing we call life is us watching the lives we led unfold before us, like watching TV instead of living life. It would explain why the world is such a terrible place. We all have to go through Hell to get to Heaven, right?

Maybe. Or maybe I'm a little high and exposing you to my inner thoughts. If that's the way it is, I find comfort in that. I usually find comfort in the idea that when we die, we're gone. To go on living after death forever and ever would bore the shit out of me, and I'd not cope well with it. But if we did go on living, it would be nice to put all the misery and woe behind us and make time for only future things.

All the same I'd much rather have pleasure while I'm here rather than later. I'm happy every once in a while, but for the most part my life is a slog, and time doesn't move fast enough to get past the torturous parts.

So I like to think we're all dead sometimes. It helps knowing that you're already gone. It makes life less painful.

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