Friday, August 9, 2024


 Fuck. I got sick again. So I don't know how I'll figure out the numbering thing yet, but I shall.


Yeah, it's going to be Goodnight, Fuckers: The Pet Peeve Edition again. Because I can't fucking stand drivers who are indecisive. That's bad enough as it is, but the true crime of these people are not staying the course whenever they make a decision. They will change course at the last fucking second, and all drivers in their vicinity can go fuck themselves with a firehose.

The worst offenders are those who get into a turn lane, then suddenly realize this is not the correct turn, so they shove back off into traffic, nearly avoiding someone like me plowing into their rear bumper. It's a crime almost worse than jaywalking.

People think I'm joking about jaywalkers. I'm not. I believe that you should be punished with up to five years for each instance. Harsh? Nope. These are people who are fully willing to jump into the street and expect you to stop, even if you're merely ten feet away. I think public execution Judge Dredd style would work for me, but I don't think anyone else sees things that way, so I'll settle for five years in the isocubes, creep.

Indecisive drivers should get ten years, though. They're making traffic hell for the rest of us who know what we're doing. If you make a shitty call, then stick to it. You can always turn around or make the block. It's time consuming, but it's also YOUR fuck up, not mine. Cutting in front of me is what gets you the extra five years jaywalkers wouldn't get in my ideal society.

Don't get me started on people who can't possibly bring themselves to go the speed limit, especially if the speed limit is 45. There's a stretch of Lake St. I take to work every day. It's 45 mph down there, but I usually go 60. Unless, of course, I'm unlucky enough to be behind someone who thinks the speed limit is 35. Or 30. Or once 25. I want to mount a bullhorn to my car so I can scream out of it, "IT'S FORTY-FUCKING-FIVE MILES AN HOUR! GO FORTY-FUCKING-FIVE MILES PER HOUR IMMEDIATELY!"

I guess I started myself on that one. Fuck. Enough with the anger. Time to settle down and go to sleep. Goodnight, fuckers.

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