Monday, October 25, 2021


To be read to this song

Yes, I'm high. Why do you ask?

Time to come clean a little bit. I don't always go to bed after posting these things. The problem is, there comes a time every night when I'm high that I lose my ability to complete sentences. I do this when speaking, too. I can start a sentence and suddenly have no idea of what I meant to say or even what I'm doing. As a result, I can't write these when I'm in that headspace.

So I wait until I feel the cannabis kick in. I have about a half-hour worth of a good buzz before I turn stupid. That's when I write these columns. And then, after I post, I put my phone away and let the drug have its way with me until I've degraded to the point of goofy laughter, which I then promptly forget what I was laughing about. And I mean promptly. I'd say three seconds after I finish laughing, I've already forgotten what I laughed about.

It's a good feeling, but it's not conducive to writing things.

Get some . . . some beer. And some . . . and some cleaning products.

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