Thursday, February 9, 2023


 Today is my 209th day from my last drink. I'm surprised I can still say that at this late hour today, considering the things I've gone through lately. I seriously did think about stopping at the liquor store on my way home. I don't think anyone would have blamed me.

While today was not bereft of good news, there was still some tremendously bad news. The toe that I was starting to seriously think I was going to lose is looking a lot better, and my podiatrist is very happy with its progress. He's already taken two of my piggies away from me, and I'd like to leave it at that. (The piggie in question is the one that had roast beef.)

But the bad news.

I'm owed a considerable amount of money, but right now I've asked that person to hold onto it for me for a while. The reason being is that every time I suddenly have real money, something comes up that necessitates my losing said money. Here's a case in point.

I just got my tax refund, which was a good chunk of cash. Plus tomorrow is payday, so it felt nice to not have to worry about money for the immediate future. Especially considering that I will undoubtedly get my 30-day notice next month or April, and I'll need every penny I have.

So I figured something would go wrong with my car. I can hear something squeaking every time I back up, and there is a new squeal when I go forward. I know one of the axles is doomed, but I was told I had a few years before I had to worry about it. Of course it was going to break on me now. But that didn't turn out to be the trouble.

Last week I went to the dentist, and she had bad news for me. My gums had receded from the tooth next to my implant to the point where I needed a graft or I would lose the tooth. She sent me to the periodontist who actually did a gum graft on me previously. It was nice to catch up, but as she examined the gums in question, she said that she probably couldn't, and definitely wouldn't, do a graft there. A nerve sits just below the gumline, and if she sutured too close to it, I would probably wind up with numbness in that part of my mouth (and lip) for the rest of my life.

I already started calculating how much an implant there would cost, and that's bad enough, but she also had more bad news for me.

I needed five more gum grafts. I thought hopefully my insurance would cover it, but dental insurance does their best to get out of paying for anything. Because dental insurance doesn't care about health. They would probably prefer we all go toothless.

I saw the expected bill for all the work, and it's thousands and thousands of dollars. And I have to pay 30$% upfront, which comes out to just under $3K. That's money that I don't have, and I can't risk that my insurance probably won't cover or reimburse anything.

Do you know what insurance will cover? Dentures.

Hell, my teeth are pretty fucked anyway. I'm thinking I'm going to see how long my dentist can keep them in my mouth before I have to throw in the towel. I'm pretty much stuck choosing between my future and my teeth, and it's looking like I'll have to say goodbye to my teeth.

This fucking sucks.

So. Do I know anyone out there with a full set of dentures? Pros? Cons? Annoyances?

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