Wednesday, February 22, 2023


 I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm about a pubic hair's width away from being a hoarder. I'm working on killing that in me, but one thing that was particularly difficult to deal with was my habit of hoarding notebooks. I have a bunch of legal pads and composition notebooks and other vast and sundry notebooks on my desk in my bedroom. Also, on the night table, I have a pile of smaller notepads, most of which I have never used and I'm not very likely to use.

So I had to face some hard facts about these notepads. If I'm not going to use them, I have to get rid of them. And I started the process. Some of the smaller ones, the ones not even big enough to fit in half of my palm, had to go. I don't think I can even write small enough to fit more than a couple of words on them anyway. Into the garbage with you. You know the glue that holds most notepads together at the top? You know how, if the notepad is old enough, that glue strip starts falling apart and even coming off? And then pages start coming loose? I have a lot like that. Into the trash with you. And then there are a few notepads missing the cardboard backs. Those were the hardest to get rid of because they're perfectly good pieces of paper. Do I really need the cardboard backs to use them? Maybe not. But fuck it. I threw 'em out, too.

I actually still have school supplies from when I was in college between the years of 1996 and 2000. I'm probably going to work on getting rid of those, too. When have I ever, outside of school, used loose leaf paper? Or even graphing paper? Index cards? I know a lot of writers use the latter when plotting books, but I'm not that kind of guy. I'm going to have to get rid of it all, too.

Someday soon. Just not today.

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