Monday, February 27, 2023


 In case you missed it my Kindle-only book, It Changes a Man, kickstarted my SF series which will be home to all the crazy and fucked up shit that I just can't fit into any other books or stories. I intend to spend most of the rest of my life writing these things, which are all part of a saga that I'm not going to publicly name yet. The name involves a spoiler for the forthcoming first novel in the series. I recently realized that that's a lot of shit to keep straight in my head, and I suddenly knew there was no way for me to keep track of it all without some help.

I'll bet Stephen King wished he kept better notes about the gunslinger's world by the time he started writing The Drawing of the Three.

So over the weekend I started writing my bible for the series. If you don't know, a bible is a document that keeps track of everything for TV shows and comic books, etc. Lucky me, I figured out I needed this thing while I'm just one title in. And I still fucked it up because I noticed one inconsistency while rereading ICaM. Whoops. That's not going to happen with the rest of the series.

I hope.

So I've been rereading the finished novel to add to that bible, and it's been a little frustrating because it's eating into writing time. But at the same time it's going to be worth it. I wonder how many authors rely on their fans for this sort of thing instead of putting together a bible. Hopefully that won't be an issue for me.

I think.

Maybe when I'm old and done with the series (not likely, but who knows?) I'll release the bible. It'll be dry reading, probably, but sometimes that's exactly what boosts your starship.

(That's the distant future's version of "whatever floats your boat," something I would have forgotten if I hadn't been putting this bible together. It's already coming in handy.)

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