Tuesday, February 14, 2023


 I've been told all my life about what it's like to get old, and almost all of it has come true. I say almost because I don't have hair growing in my ears. My nose? Sure. I've been trimming nose hairs for many years now. Just nothing in my ears. Yet.

Here's one thing that no one told me about. I did not expect to have to start trimming my eyebrows. I've been told, in fact, the opposite. That my eyebrow hair would thin. I really hoped that wouldn't happen because, well, look at this.

A little freaky, no?

My eyebrows aren't too bad. The problem is with single strands getting ridiculously long. The other day I noticed that one had somehow managed to get halfway up to my hairline. No one mentioned it to me.

I always kind of wondered what it was about not having eyebrows that makes people look odd. Then, a few years back, I heard an FBI interrogator talking about how psycho- and sociopaths tend not to use their eyebrows in their expressions. He mentioned that at a subconscious level eyebrow expressions endear people to one another. It sounds a little crazy until someone starts talking with you, and you notice that they never move their eyebrows. So I think he might be right. People who don't have eyebrows subconsciously give off a vibe that they're not to be trusted.

Maybe I'm talking out my ass. I don't know. But no one ever told me I'd have to trim these fuckers or look like a beast.

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