Monday, May 8, 2023


 My current job doesn't have a lot in common with my other jobs, but something happened last week that reminded me of when I was a conference operator. And not in a good way.

Selling auto glass doesn't come with a lot of scripts, but there are a few that we need to read to customers on occasion. One of these is the script for windshield repairs (as opposed to replacements). Last week I started reading this script at the exact same time as my coworker on the opposite side of the cube wall from me.

This kind of thing leads to chaos for all involved. Have you ever tried to read the same thing as someone else out loud at the same time? Try it. See how it makes you feel.

It sucks, doesn't it? It's distracting. Your mouth wants to say the words wrong. You have to concentrate extra hard to make sure you say the script right.

I'm an old hand at this kind of thing, so I made it through, but it reminded me of my days as a conference operator, when fucking something like that up could be waaaaaaaaaay worse. Because those calls are almost always recorded. Often times, they're IR calls. Investor relations. The most important kind of conference call you can have. Fuck one of those up, and you'll be in an office getting your ass handed to you as soon as the call is over.

It felt weird to flash back to that job all of a sudden. In some ways that was the best job I ever had. In some ways it was pretty bad, too. Let's just say I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore.

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