Tuesday, May 23, 2023


 I talk to about 100 people a day, and almost all of them are miserable. And I have a pretty good idea as to why. On the surface it seems that they don't have their shit together, and that's a vague way of putting it. It seems to make sense, but the important question is: WHY is it that way?

Everyone feels the need to fucking multitask, and it's ruining their lives. They can't just do one thing at a time. They have to take on a multitude of tasks all at once or they don't feel like they're accomplishing anything. Looking back at a lot of my miseries, the ones due to me not having my shit together, I know I was in misery because I was trying to do too much at once.

I know, I know. We all have a limited amount of time in this life. And none of us knows how long that finite amount of time is. So we gotta rush, rush, rush, right? Nope. It's quality of life, not quantity. If I dropped dead tomorrow, yeah, I'd have a lot of shit that I didn't get to do, but at the same time? The shit I *did* do? It gave me a life of quality, and I'm good with that.

You don't need to multitask. Stop doing that. Whatever you're doing at the moment, FOCUS ON THAT AND NOTHING ELSE. You'll find the quality of your life improving drastically.

I hear you have a lot of important stuff to do. OK, so do we all. And again, there isn't enough time to do it all. So you have to accept right off the bat that you can't do it all. Stuff is going to be left undone. That's OK. Learn to prioritize. Find out what is most important to you, and do that thing. Focus on it and nothing else. Then on to the second most important thing, then the third, etc. The stuff you don't prioritize can always be done another day because it's just not as important as the other stuff.

There is one flaw in my philosophy. What if you have kids? Sorry, but you're kind of stuck with multitasking on that one. At least for the first 18 years of their lives. That goes for caregivers, too. If you don't multitask, you'll never get shit done. So yeah, you're stuck being miserable for a long time. But the rest of you? Stop multitasking. Prioritize. Focus. Learn these things, and your life will be better for it. So will mine because you're eventually going to need auto glass, and you might wind up talking to me. And when I ask you questions I need answers for, you won't be driving and talking at the same time. You'll have all the information you will need at your fingertips. And our phone conversation will go very smoothly and quickly, and we can move on with our days.

Yeah, OK, you got me. I'm being selfish, but how selfish is it if my advice really does help you?

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