Wednesday, May 24, 2023


 You know, while I'm telling you how to live your lives, I thought I'd bring up something else. It's a lost art in this day and age, and I think I know why.

As previously stated, I speak with about 100 people a day, and they are all on the phone. Before I sold glass I worked in telecom for about 15 years. Add to that I'm 44 years old, which means I grew up talking to people on an actual phone. I mean, attached to a wire. With a handset. So I know a lot about phones.

So it irritates me to no end when people just can't fucking talk into the phone. It used to be easy because of the handset. You put this end to your ear to listen. You put this end to your mouth to speak. Simple. Easy. But now that phones are just flat pieces of plastic (and other stuff), there is this odd urge to let it hang down your face instead of at your mouth. I get it. I feel the urge to do that until I realize that if I do, I'm going to sound distant to whoever I'm talking to, if they can hear me at all. We still know enough to put the top of the phone to our ear, but for some reason we let the bottom half down to just under our jawlines while we talk into the air.

Can we please, for the love of God and all that is holy, learn as a civilization to talk INTO the phone again?

And another thing. When you're on a video call, look at the camera, not at the screen. You'll make a better impression on who you're talking to. Every time someone just looks at the screen, I get the urge to say, "My eyes are up HERE."

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