Tuesday, June 15, 2021


 I wonder why dealing drugs is illegal. It is actually the purest form of capitalism, so everyone should be embracing it, right? The government says you can't buy this product because it is illegal, and some people see that as an opportunity to make money. That's the American Dream, isn't it? To make money no matter the cost? I look at people like, say, Jeff Bezos, who treats their workers as wage slaves. No, you can't take a piss break. You have to be on the line the whole time. We've built a trough for you to piss in. Or you can wear a diaper. Just so long as you're working. People like them would rather their workers shit themselves than to take a few minutes to go to the bathroom. Capitalism finds that perfectly acceptable, but dealing drugs? No way, Jack. You're going to prison.

Does that sound like the pursuit of happiness? It certainly doesn't sound like liberty. It barely qualifies as life.

I guess my point is, there is only fake morality in our system. To quote Gene Hackman in The Quick and the Dead, "Old news." The world is one big double standard, and it always has been. Not just in the case that I choose to highlight tonight. In all avenues. It sucks, and it seems like no one has any interest in fixing that.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I love my country. But we are more backwards than the Backwards Man from Freddy Got Fingered. America is the Backwards Man, and we act surprised and hurt when other countries talk shit about us.

Jesus fuck.

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