Friday, August 29, 2014


First of all, holy shit. I've done fifty of these things? That's pretty impressive, I think. So far I 'm not bored with this feature, and enough of you are reading it, so here's to fifty more!

Second of all, yeah, this is kind of early for me to be going to sleep on a Friday night. I know. But it's just one of those things I have to do. I'm fasting for a blood test tomorrow, so I can't go out and do anything interesting. I also can't have a few drinks while watching a movie or an episode of 21 JUMP STREET. All I want to do is get this over with. I'm going to get into bed and hope that sleep comes for me so I don't have to be awake through all this blah.

Thirdly, I think I'll score pretty well on this test. I stayed away from fast food and soft drinks four days last week. (I fell apart on Friday because it was Wizard World Chicago, and you know how it goes. You attend a con, you eat pretty poorly. Ah well.) Since then, I've been on a streak this week. I suspect tomorrow I'll get something awful to eat as soon as I get out of the clinic, if only to fend off a 'Beetus coma (just tested my blood sugar, and it's at 69, which is pretty fuckin' low), but for now, I'm pretty proud of myself. No fast food, no caffeine, no soft drinks, no carbs after I get out of work. I've pretty much managed to curb all of my bad habits. Not bad.

My A1C level was at 5.3% last time. That's pretty fucking good for a guy like me. I think I'll score in the same ballpark this time.

Lastly, this might be the most boring post ever. Even more boring than the one about the duck crossing the road. This is what you get when I no longer ingest all the things I love. Tomorrow night's post should be a lot more cheery. It's HELL ON WHEELS night, and I always enjoy some whiskey with that show. It's definitely a whiskey show.

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