Thursday, September 1, 2022



A while back, while I still had nine toes and my grandmother was still alive and I wasn't going to be homeless in a matter of months, I considered starting a series here, maybe not for GF, but for my blog about the cool stuff I have. Then life took a hard nosedive, and now I'm scrambling to get said stuff packed away before the final knock on my door comes. I anticipate that it will come sometime between Halloween and Thanksgiving.

I thought maybe I'd start doing the series while I packed, but I have so many things and such little time that if I did, I might not get everything squared away in time. Perhaps someday I'll do this series, possibly when I'm unpacking things in wherever I get to live. I doubt I'll be getting into low income housing, as there is a wait of at least a year at each place I applied. They said that a lot of people get taken off the list when a new apartment becomes available due to them finding other living arrangements in that time, so it might not be as impossible as it sounds, but the odds are against me on this one.

I do have a few things that are worth money, but almost all of those things are very dear to me, and I don't want to part with them. If I start thinking about cannibalism as a legitimate way of feeding myself, perhaps I'll reevaluate those items. We shall see.

Until then I just need to get everything packed as quickly as I can.

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